Cacao (pronounced ka-kow) beans are the seeds of an Amazonian fruiting tree and source of all chocolate and cocoa products.

Sodium - 180 mg
Total Fat - 3 g, Polyunsaturated - 0 g, Monounsaturated - 0 g
Raw cacao poweder versus regular cocoa - what's the difference? Some of the worlds cocoa powder is heat extracted (up to 150 degrees!!) often with solvents from inexpensive low grade chocolate bean varieties resulting in bitter, oxidised product using plantation-style labour. Raw cacao powder is ocld pressed without chemicals and provides over 380% MORE anti-oxidants than regular cocoa! As the temperature is never allowed to exceed 40°C, the powder is considered a ‘raw' food with all heat-sensitive vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants remaining intact, thereby maximising digestion and absorption. Cacao Power products have an antioxidant (ORAC) score of 95,500. To put that into perspective, that's 14 times more antioxidant flavonoids than red wine, 21 times more than green tea, and 7 times more than even dark chocolate !
Nutritional Benefits
The Mexican Mayan kings drank up to 30 pure chocolate drinks a day to maintain their vigour and valued the bean so highly that it was used as money. Raw Cacao products are a source of beta-carotene, amino acids (protein), Omega-3 EFA's, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, sulphur, potassium, and one of the best food sources of muscle relaxing, stress relieving magnesium – now you know why women crave chocolate every month!
1. Will it keep me awake at night? Depends – some people say it helps them sleep, some say it makes them more alert – we're all so unique!
2. How much caffeine does cacao have? All natural products vary, but it is generally considered to have about 1% caffeine (as compared to tea at 4% and coffee which can be more than 10% !!)
3. So why do I feel so good eating cacao? Cacao has other naturally occurring phytochemicals like theobromine (considered an aphrodisiac), phenylethylamine (PEA – released when we fall in love), and anandamide (the ‘bliss' chemical).
In comparison to the well known cocoa, it is not simply the fact that cacao has a few less kilojoules, but among its high vitamin and mineral contents it also contains more protein and good carbohydrates than cocoa helping us to eliminate those unwanted artificial/added sugars! It also has less fat and a higher proportion of the good unsaturated fats, PLUS it is so tasty! I have switched my chocolate cravings to cacao powder drinks and after a few weeks i have found the well known cocoa is so sweet it actually makes me feel ill, i feel so much more alive with cacoa!!
A personal favourtie use of cacao is to sprinkle and mix in the powder with yoghurt, coconut and a bit of muesli or add in some blueberries... a yum and nutritious snack, brekkie or desert! Here is a recipe of what i call my 'Bliss balls' with cacao and a whole lot of other goodies i have become addicted too. I have also started using cacao nibs/bits in place of normal chocolate chips in my baking :)
Nutritional Benefits
The Mexican Mayan kings drank up to 30 pure chocolate drinks a day to maintain their vigour and valued the bean so highly that it was used as money. Raw Cacao products are a source of beta-carotene, amino acids (protein), Omega-3 EFA's, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, sulphur, potassium, and one of the best food sources of muscle relaxing, stress relieving magnesium – now you know why women crave chocolate every month!
1. Will it keep me awake at night? Depends – some people say it helps them sleep, some say it makes them more alert – we're all so unique!
2. How much caffeine does cacao have? All natural products vary, but it is generally considered to have about 1% caffeine (as compared to tea at 4% and coffee which can be more than 10% !!)
3. So why do I feel so good eating cacao? Cacao has other naturally occurring phytochemicals like theobromine (considered an aphrodisiac), phenylethylamine (PEA – released when we fall in love), and anandamide (the ‘bliss' chemical).
In comparison to the well known cocoa, it is not simply the fact that cacao has a few less kilojoules, but among its high vitamin and mineral contents it also contains more protein and good carbohydrates than cocoa helping us to eliminate those unwanted artificial/added sugars! It also has less fat and a higher proportion of the good unsaturated fats, PLUS it is so tasty! I have switched my chocolate cravings to cacao powder drinks and after a few weeks i have found the well known cocoa is so sweet it actually makes me feel ill, i feel so much more alive with cacoa!!
A personal favourtie use of cacao is to sprinkle and mix in the powder with yoghurt, coconut and a bit of muesli or add in some blueberries... a yum and nutritious snack, brekkie or desert! Here is a recipe of what i call my 'Bliss balls' with cacao and a whole lot of other goodies i have become addicted too. I have also started using cacao nibs/bits in place of normal chocolate chips in my baking :)
Nestle Milk Chocolate Hot Cocoa Mix (left) Vs. Cacao (right)
Calories - 80Sodium - 180 mg
Total Fat - 3 g, Polyunsaturated - 0 g, Monounsaturated - 0 g
Potassium - 0 mg
Saturated - 2 g
Total Carbs - 15 g, Sugars - 13 g
Total Carbs - 15 g, Sugars - 13 g
Dietary Fiber - 0 g
Trans - 0 g
Protein - 0 g
Cholesterol - 0 mg
NOTE: 4.2kj = 1cal
Inspired by a recipe from a health cook book i had a go at making my own 'Bliss balls', healthy snacks and great for pre and post exercise or just to satisfy your hunger throughout the day!
Trans - 0 g
Protein - 0 g
Cholesterol - 0 mg
NOTE: 4.2kj = 1cal
'Bliss Balls'
1/2 cup almonds
2/3 cup walnuts
1/4 cup pistachio's
1 cup dates
1/2 cup shredded coconut
2 teaspoons cacao powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 Tablespoons organic peanut butter
1/4 cup natural Greek yoghurt
1/4 cup pistachio's
1 cup dates
1/2 cup shredded coconut
2 teaspoons cacao powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 Tablespoons organic peanut butter
1/4 cup natural Greek yoghurt
Combine almonds, walnuts and pistachio's in a food processor until they resemble breadcrumbs and mix in a large bowel with almond meal.
Combine dates and coconut in food processor (it will be hard to get these very fine and are still good chunky!) then add to the processor the vanilla essence, peanut butter, yoghurt and cacao powder until mixed. Add to the nuts and mix until combined. Roll balls in coconut or chopped nuts and enjoy! :)
You could add any nuts you like to this recipe, or any other ingredient really! I was addicted to the dates, coconut and vanilla essence alone and may simplify the recipe without the cacao next time. I added some yoghurt in case the mixture wasn't moist enough but they would have been fine without the yoghurt and maybe kept for longer without it. I store mine in the freezer as they tend not to freeze but become a nice and firm :)
Combine dates and coconut in food processor (it will be hard to get these very fine and are still good chunky!) then add to the processor the vanilla essence, peanut butter, yoghurt and cacao powder until mixed. Add to the nuts and mix until combined. Roll balls in coconut or chopped nuts and enjoy! :)
You could add any nuts you like to this recipe, or any other ingredient really! I was addicted to the dates, coconut and vanilla essence alone and may simplify the recipe without the cacao next time. I added some yoghurt in case the mixture wasn't moist enough but they would have been fine without the yoghurt and maybe kept for longer without it. I store mine in the freezer as they tend not to freeze but become a nice and firm :)
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