Sunday, January 27, 2013

Raw Protein Green Smoothie!

Kick starting my 2013 goals some more this morning i found myself joining the local gym in my new home town for the year! After a good pump class it was time to refuel with my own Raw Protein Green Smoothie complete by being made in my new Kenwood Blender! It was quite easy to make and apart from a few twigs of flavour here and there will be the foundation to my 'protein shakes' for my gym workouts... green smoothie style :)

Raw Protein Green Smoothie

1 Handful spinach leaves
1 banana
1 apple chopped and cored
1 Tablepsoon honey
2 Tablespoons Chia seeds
1 scoop Raw 'Garden of Life' Protein powder
2 cups water

Prepare ingredients and place in a blender, spinach leaves on the bottom to let them mix through!

Ready to blend!
The basics 

Blend for around 10-20 seconds until smooth :) I saved some for later in my mason jar...

 And enjoyed it now!!! The Garden of life raw protein is a chalkier consistency than other vegetable proteins such as pea protein but i quite like the taste :) Leave the green smoothie as i have done with half and you will be left with a much thicker consistency as a 'Green thick shake!' sounds good to me!

Rockin Raw

Have you Activated your Almonds?

Almonds are a little super food that are among the richest sources of health-benefiting nutrients essential for optimum health. The nuts are from a small deciduous tree native to the West-Asian mountain ranges enclosed in a stony hard shell. There are many reasons why we should include almonds in our daily diet and a few are listed below...

  • Almonds are rich in dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals as well as being packed with health promoting phytochemicals to protect from disease and cancers 
  • These nuts are the complete source of energy as well as nutrients, they are especially, rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids like oleic and palmitoleic acids that help to lower LDL or "bad cholesterol" and increase HDL or "good cholesterol." Research studies suggest that Mediterranean diet, which is excellent in monounsaturated fatty acids help to prevent coronary artery disease and strokes by favoring healthy blood lipid profile.
  • The nuts are an excellent source of vitamin E; contain about 25 g per100 g (about 170% of RDA). Vitamin E is a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant, required for maintaining cell membrane integrity of mucus membranes and skin by protecting from harmful oxygen-free radicals.
  • Almonds are free in gluten and therefore, are one of the popular ingredients in the preparation of gluten-free food formulas. Such formula preparations are, in fact, healthy alternatives in people with wheat food allergy and celiac disease.
  • These nuts are packed with many important B-complex groups of vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, and folates. Together, these vitamins work as co-factors for enzymes during cellular substrate metabolism.
  • Further, they are also an incredible source of minerals such as manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium.
  • Almond oil is extracted from the nuts used as an emollient. Applied regularly, it helps keep skin well protected from dryness. Additionally, the oil is used in cooking in Iran, and Turkey. It is also used as “carrier or base oil” in traditional medicines in aromatherapy, in pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries.
A hand full of almonds a day provides much of recommended levels of minerals, vitamins, and protein. They are also wonderful for those living an active lifestyle. A small handful (28g) of almonds contains around 160 calories - 14g of the essential fats, only 6g of carbohydrates and 6g of protein.

Add some almonds to your diet today!! I eat them as a snack or chop them into yoghurt or my breakfast, or better yet make almond milk!! :)

So now that you have added almonds to your daily diet, for those who want to take it to the next level... have you heard of activating your almonds???

It sounds a little strange doesn't it!! Almost as if i have gone off my 'nut' by suggesting these little guys will become rockets shooting into the air... well they are rockets of health i can give you that! Activating almonds are suggested to enable your body to fully receive the full benefits of the nutrients inside to make them more digestible and more nutritious.

The activation process requires almonds to be soaked in water for a period of 12 hours. Advocates believe this deactivates enzyme inhibitors and brings the nut to life. Once the almonds have been soaked, they are then dehydrated at low temperatures (40 degrees) over a 24-hour period. Dehydrated almonds have a similar flavour and texture to roasted.
According to Lisa Yates, nutritionist with Nuts for Life “Activation is like sprouting of grains (wheat or barley grass) or sprouting of seeds (mung bean sprouts or alfalfa sprouts). It converts some of the starch to simpler sugars, converts some of the protein as the emerging seed is breaking these down for fuel for its new growth.”

So i gave it a go!

How to activate your almonds!
Time: 12-24 hrs soaking + up to 24 hrs drying

2 cups raw almonds (not roasted or salted) enough water to cover the almonds in a dish.
Soak the almonds in the water for 12 hrs.
Rinse the nuts under running water, and if you want to add flavour – add a couple of tsp of your choice of flavour to the rinsed almonds, and stir to combine well.
‘Dehydrate’ the almonds on low heat (either in a dehydrator or on the lowest temperature your oven will do). This will take anywhere from 6-24 hrs, depending on the temperature you’re using. The nuts will be done when they feel (and taste) dry.

After doing this the almonds were compared one by one... i do like the more puffed up yet crunchy texture of the activated almonds! While they do not taste different, i am happy to be receiving the full potential of these nuts.

Into my dehydrator they go :)
And i found this awesome site that has recipes and ideas to use your activated almonds in :) Found Here

Rockin Raw

Friday, January 25, 2013

'Buck and Bulk' Raw Protein Brownies

I LOVE raw brownies, they are my treat every night with a cup of cacao or tea! The only issue is they can be quite expensive using so many walnuts and fresh dates all the time. So i woke up inspired today with my new raw protein powder and a vision to create some raw Buckwheat brownies!!

Buckwheat is beginning to be a favorite all round raw food of mine, you can do so much with it! But unlike nuts they are so much cheaper :) So the night before i put 1 cup of organic buckwheat groats in enough water to have about 1cm above the buckwheat level and let it soak. In the morning you need to rinse the buckwheat in the strainer to wash off the coating that is produced and makes the buckwheat a little slimy.

I went for a double layer brownie with cacao on the bottom but you could make it all with cacao just adding another tablespoon of the cacao powder. I was very excited to make this for a little snack to help increase my protein for my workouts! I will definitely be making this a regular ;)

1 cup overnight soaked Buckwheat
5 Dates pitted and chopped
1/4 cup 'Garden of Life' Raw protein powder
1/4 cup pumpkin kernels
1/2 cup Shredded coconut
2 tablespoons Honey
1 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 cup Pepitas
1/2 cup Almonds
1 tablespoon Cacao powder

In a food processor place buckwheat, dates, protein powder, pumpkin kernels, coconut, vanilla and honey and process for around 20 seconds to combine.

Take out around 1/3 of the mixture and set aside. Meanwhile add to the other 2/3 mixture the pepitas, almonds and cacao powder and process for another 10 seconds or so until it reaches a darker colour and still a little lumpy from the almonds and seeds, this adds extra texture to the brownie :) 

Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper and spread the cacao layer on the bottom. With the other 1/3 mixture, scatter and spread over the cacao base to give a speckles appearance

Top with extra pepitas and shredded coconut and cool in the fridge. I like to then cut up the brownie and keep it in the freezer :)

'Buck and Bulk' Raw Protein Brownies 
Now enjoy anytime of the day (even for breakfast) whether work or play!

Rockin Raw

One Step Back, 2 Steps Forward

There are times when no matter how much you want to move forward, the past will pop up to challenge you, but it’s what you do with the challenge that will ultimately enable you to move forward.

This past week has seen me take a step back into things I thought I had left behind over the holidays, and although hard at first I feel I have come out better because of it. So instead of focusing on the things that made me go backwards, I am going to tell you about the parts of my week which although small helped me both physically and mentally to move forward…
  1. I brought up my buckwheat, oats and cacao powder and had raw soaked choc-banana breakfasts – simple and delicious! with some raw brownie of course ;)
  2. Although my gym membership expired I made it to 2 good weights sessions and had lovely morning contemplative walks along the river 
  3. I am making progress with my foot injury and after seeing the sports doctor I have a 3 month goal in site 
  4. I have planted 2 seeds, one for a possible overseas medical elective in the coming year and the other for supporting a local health organization in the South West community, both linked to my possible career future path as a doctor 
  5. I have caught up with wonderful friends in Perth who I will keep in touch with throughout our year apart (only measured in meters!) and met my fellow housemates and medical students who I am spending my year with in the South West hospitals (much excitement here!!) and with these people will come many wonderful experiences 
  6. I bought my first Raw and organic protein powder!! After hunting I could not find the Sun-warrior raw protein powder I aim to try, but instead am trialing the Raw ‘Garden of Life’ protein powder and will definitely let you know how it tastes! PLUS I found ‘vital greens’ Super-food powder but after finding out it was more expensive than i thought i settled for a single serve sample to try also... with a few other goodies to keep me going :D
Raw protein powder and Vital Greens
Oxygen... i may need a subscription!
AND I had some retail therapy and salsa dancing – what more does a girl need to get through life’s little challenges?? 

'Because Life is a Dance from One Stage to the Next'

My lovely friend and I on our way to salsa!

Captured... The joy dancing gives :)

And after reading my happenings in the past week I think… how on Earth can this be a step back!?! Nope it is full steam ahead! Now whenever I feel like I am moving back, I will write what is making me move forward and trust me on this one, if you do too you will then go further than you have ever been before :) 

My posts and food experiments will be less frequent in the coming weeks (less than 2 a day with internet haha) as we make the transition back into medicine and into a new routine studying outside of Perth. I am so excited for the move and the amazing opportunities which await me and my fellow medics in our coming year in rural areas. I could have written about many things in the past week but lack of internet meant I had to have a few days away from the laptop (how dependent we are on technology!!... a technology detox could be in sight), but future posts will be more involved with health linked to what I learn while studying, my experiences and of course integrating nutrition and exercise into everyday life!

You know what else i have decided? While finding a new happiness in dancing, this year i am going to Sing like no one is listening and Dance like no one is watching!



Music no matter in what form is a powerful tool, it enables us to express emotions, deal with changes, relate to each other in events in our life no matter how far apart or how different we may be. It can get you pumping for the gym, that burst of motivations needed to do the dishes or get through study or to work, bring friends together, be at the heart of relationships, gets us through life's challenges.... what doesn't music do!? The best part is We all dance to our own beat of life whether we know it or not. So on my drive home while my feet may be telling me to stay off the dancing for a little while, i decided to sing!! I couldn't help it no matter how cliche it is, it seemed like a perfect way to reinstate what this year will bring  with a little Lady Gaga to remind me that this is who we are... 'Born This Way!', and proud of it :) 

I can't believe i showed you! (Please note all attention was still on the road which was empty!) Hopefully this will put a smile on your face with my out of tune notes but i hope if anything it may persuade you to sing yourself either figuratively or literally (try literally though it is fun :)). And remember that no matter what dance moves you've got or what voice you have been given, don't waste it but simply use it to dance and sing in anyway you can! Life is not meant for us to hold back... get out there and just do it :)

Rockin Raw

Kiwi Coconut Muffins - Gluten and Sugar free

After my week in Perth i had a few complaints that there were no treats in the house!! My family does miss me :P so naturally i took the 'request' and the afternoon i was home guess what i did... baked!

While i made some Choc-Banana muffins for the family to munch, i went for my sugar free and again gluten free muffins for myself (and anyone else who wants one!). You don't have to make them gluten free but i had rice flour and actually prefer the taste! With the site of some ripening kiwi fruits, i had another muffin experiment with some healthy Kiwi fruit and Coconut muffins, no added sugar but instead added some super chia seeds and my all time love dates :) I soon discovered another little gem hidden in the corner of a fruit bowl... A yellow passion fruit!
Yellow passions are generally larger than the purple varieties, but the pulp of the purple fruit is less acid, richer in aroma and flavor, and has a higher proportion of juicy pulp full of vitamin C, A and potassium along with many other minerals and vitamins :) so for some added zing and taste i added one of them too.

Kiwi Coconut Muffins - Gluten and Sugar free

4 medium kiwi fruit, peeled and mashed
1/2 cup pitted and chopped dates
1 Yellow passion fruit pulp
1 egg lightly beaten
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup water
1 tablespoon honey

1 1/2 cups Rice four
1/2 cup coconut flour
1 tablespoon Chia seeds
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp bi carb soda
2 tsp baking powder

Pre-heat oven to 180 degree Celsius and prepare 1 or 2 x 12 tray muffin pans. I made 18 muffins with this recipe but you can make them bigger (or smaller) if you like!

Mash the Kiwi in a large bowl and stir in the chopped dates and passion pulp.

Yellow Passion :)
 Add the egg, vegetable oil, water and honey and stir to combine.

Add the dry ingredients and stir until just mixed.

Spoon into muffin pans 3/4 full and sprinkle the tops with shredded coconut.

Bake in moderate oven for 20 minutes until lightly browned.
Food for thought next time, maybe raspberries instead of dates? They were a win for mum and I as they are all the same :) Enjoy!

Kiwi Coconut Muffins
Rockin Raw

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Start of More Things New

Wow 2013, you are off to an overwhelming start already and you are still just beginning!! One thing is for certain, 'Bloom' for 2013 is definitely the right word for what i am feeling will be the biggest year yet. But the funny part is, while i see myself blooming it feels as though when one person blooms others catch on with the blooming passion and like grass seeds in wind people start blooming in all directions in any aspect of life! The is what i love about passion and enthusiasm, it really is so very contagious, maybe even more so than a smile? You never know when you can touch the lives of others is a positive way, so by all means go out there and try!

At the same time i can't believe my summer break has almost come to an end. I am so excited to start this uni year with a whole new level of challenges and opportunities i will not let slide :) but i am still a little sad to leave a great summer break. There were no extraordinary holidays or happenings, its just the little things which make it great. Working and chatting to customers, Christmas with the family, mum and daughter trip to Esperance, spending time with friends and family and taking my family to the gym!! The last one only happened today and made the family part complete. Yes after my mum joined her three daughters and had her first gym membership in her life, her own enthusiasm and enjoyment at the gym (with a little nudging) rubbed off onto dad who joined his daughters at a pump class today!! I am so proud of my mum and dad and whole family for taking the active lifestyle, health and fitness to the next level. They will gain so many benefits to their body, mind and life! I wish i could study at home to keep joining them but i feel a sense of fulfillment knowing they will keep up their active lifestyle with hopefully some more gym sessions for the year ahead and more!

Myself, i learnt that good things come to those who wait (and persevere!) as 3 days ago an instructor at the gym made up my weights program for me to do and i am so excited to start it! While i have it to take away with me he said when he sees me again next he is looking forward to seeing me bigger and i told him he sure will!! Bring on my new body ;)

It may be delayed while i move back and forth from Perth to Bunbury and Busselton over the next week but then i vow to get into my routine! Ending on a little celebration, after almost 5 months of no running or RPM classes, my latest trip to the podiatrist gave me a signal to try a little more intensity on my foot, so i did my first RPM class in months and my foot survived!!! Still only baby steps to take but for now i am SO happy about it :)

Rockin Raw

Choc Banana Protein Pancakes

Sunday always feels like a special occasion to me, which is wonderful as there is always one every week! I believe we should always treat ourselves when we feel like we need, there is no reason why cannot give ourselves a little pick me up is many different ways. So today, i didn't have a raw breakfast but treated myself with an invention of Chocolate and Banana Protein Pancakes! And still squeezed in some super foods :D

Choc Banana Protein Pancakes 
Ingredients  (Makes 2 large pancakes)
1/3 cup oats
1/2 cup water
1 tablespoon coconut flour
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1/2 tablespoon cacao powder
1 teaspoon chia seeds
1 medium banana mashed
1 egg lightly beaten
2 tablespoons milk

Combine oats and water in a bowl and cook in microwave for 120 seconds.
Add coconut flour, cacao, protein powder and chia seeds and mix together.
Add the egg, banana and milk and stir to combine.

Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan on medium heat and add pancake mixture. Cook for 1-2 minutes each side until lightly browned.

Serve with Greek Yoghurt, blueberries and i used mesquite powder (you could just use cinnamon :)) with a drizzle of maple syrup :) enjoy!

Rockin Raw

Protein Juice??

3 days post juice detox and i suddenly realised although i was drinking smoothies i was having juice cravings!! I do love fresh juices and my body must have been craving another nutrient boost! So after a good workout of Body Pump and CX30 class at the gym i let my cravings guide me and made a juice :D only i know i need more protein after weights sessions especially so i thought 'why not try adding protein powder to a juice!?' so i did, and was pleasantly surprised, 'why had i not done this before!' Super nutrients better and healthier than any commercial protein shake... And it is real simple too :)

1 carrot
1 small cucumber
2 celery stalks
1 green apple

Then stir in...
1 heaped tablespoon pea protein powder
Drizzle of honey

The best thing is you can do this to any of your favourite juices!! Looks like i will need to get more pea protein ;)

Protein Juice :)

Rockin Raw

Friday, January 18, 2013

Mini Lemon & Ginger Cheesecakes - Raw

Inspired from Raw food recipes, i decided to make some mini cheesecakes for dinner with my 2 lovely sisters tonight! One food love of mine is the smell of grated lemons AND the smell of fresh grated ginger... naturally when i saw the combination in mini raw cheesecakes i could not go past it!! So while making some delicious raw cheesecakes i also had a few moments of entrancement (it could count as meditation!) as i smelt the finely grated delights... I made 6 cheesecakes in little pie tart tins but next time i would halve them and make them even smaller as they are very filling!

Mini Lemon & Ginger Cheesecakes - Raw 
Mini Lemon & Ginger Cheesecakes - Raw 


1 cup walnuts
2/3 cup pitted, packed dates
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup raw cashews
1 cup raw almonds
2/3 cup lemon juice (juice of 3 small lemons)
1/2 cup honey (or pure maple syrup)
2 teaspoons finely grated fresh ginger
2 teaspoons grated lemon zest
4 tablespoons coconut oil (clear and melted - place jar in a jug of warm water to melt if white)

Mmm ginger :)

1) Grind ingredients together in a food processor until it sticks together.
2) Add 1 teaspoon of water if the mixture is too crumbly.
3) Press the crust into your pans of choice (I used mini tart tins but you could use muffin pans). Set aside.

Into the tart tins :)
1) In a blender, combine all but the oil until completely smooth and creamy, mine took around 2 minutes stopping every now and then to scrape down the sides.

2) Add the oil and blend again briefly, to incorporate.
3) Divide and pour the mixture over the crusts.
4) Chill in the fridge or freezer until firm.

 I topped mine with some frozen raspberries and cinnamon! Delish :)

"Choosing healthy food is the ultimate form of self love"

Rockin Raw

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Green Goblin

Words could not describe how happy i was this morning... after almost 5 months of no RPM (let alone running!!!) and a trip to the podiatrist yesterday for an ongoing foot injury i trialed and returned to an RPM class!!! While it confirmed my suspicion that i have lost cardio fitness and it did hurt i loved every second of it, it was made complete with my sister joining for me for her first ever RPM class and she liked it! Double winnning to start the day :) I have hope my year of battling an injury in 2012 will be behind me as i slowly and steadily increase my level of activity i can do on my foot and not overdo myself. Anyway... coming home i thought of a new breakfast creation, well altering my chia porridge! I called it my Green Goblin :)

1 tablespoon Chia seeds soaked 10min in 1/3 cup water
Handful of spinach leaves
1 kiwi fruit peeled and chopped
1 small banana (or half a larger one)
1 tablespoon Pea Protein powder
1 tabelspoon shredded coconut 
1 teaspoon mesquite powder (you could use cinammon) 
1 teaspoon coconut flour

Place all ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth. Mix in the 1/2 cup of blueberries and enjoy your green goblin! :) 

Rockin Raw

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Fruit Medley Muffins - Gluten Free

Looking at our supply i was excited to realise it was time for me to do some more muffin baking!! But this time i was keen for something a little different. I have realised there are more and more people are becoming gluten intolerant, being a diligent muffin baker and almost obsessed with muffins (i admit it!!) i would hate to think of those who are gluten intolerant to miss out of life's little treats. So i had a trial of some healthy gluten free muffins which have no added sugar but full of fruity goodness! Thank you to my wonderful friend who helped me design the fruit medley recipe. I used rice flour and actually think i prefer it to normal flour! I can't wait for someone who is gluten intolerant to try them :)

Fruit Medley Muffins - Gluten Free

1 medium banana mashed
1 peeled and grated green apple
1 kiwi fruit chopped
1 teaspoon orange rind
Juice of one orange 

1 egg
½ cup (125ml) water
½ cup (125ml) vegetable oil

1 1/2 cups Rice flour (or any gluten free flour)
1 Tbsp coconut flour (if you have some)
1 Tbsp Chia seeds (optional)  
½ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp nutmeg
1 tsp bi-carb soda
2 tsp baking powder

1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries

1. Preheat an oven to 180 degrees C. Grease 18 muffin cups, or line with patty cups.

2. Mix together mashed banana, grated apple, kiwi fruit, orange rind and juice, lightly beaten egg, water, and oil in a large bowl until combined. 

Love the smell of grated orange!
Fruits.... :)
3. Mix in rice flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and nutmeg, the mixture will be quite lumpy but as long as there are no flour lumps it is good :) Gently fold in the blueberries.

4. Scoop into prepared patty pans and top with a little cinnamon and shredded coconut and bake in moderate oven for 25 minutes until cooked through and lightly brown on top.

5. Enjoy! Eat them while still warm or keep in an airtight container for a few days, or i like to freeze them so they stay fresh and keep for my afternoon tea treat :)

Rockin Raw