24 hours into my 72 hour juice cleanse, i have to admit i woke up feeling really good thinking and having a juice in the morning was like summer bliss, i thought 'this is going to be easy'... until lunch time i started getting lethargic!! By dinner time after a walk with the dogs i found it hard to get off the chair and was almost tempted by my dads lovely smelling french toast until my younger sister saved me by helping me create a yummy cocktail of a juice! And my energy picked back up :)

My mum started her own version today with green smoothies in the morning and salads for lunch and dinner but was feeling lethargic from it and will go back to normal tomorrow. I am proud of her for trying though :)
So... Today via 4 and a half juices i have consumed...
- 3 green apples
- 3 carrots
- 1/2 cucumber
- 6 celery stalks
- 1/4 beetroot
- 2 oranges
- 3/4 cup chopped cauliflower
- 3/4 cup chopped broccoli
- 1 handful of spinach leaves
- 1 plum
- 1 pear
- 2.5cm slice of pineapple
- Plus 2 Herbal green teas!
I don't think i would have been able to eat all that!!! But that is the point of juicing, consuming the nutrients of more fruit and vegetables than you can actually eat :)
Diary time after 24 hours...
Weight - 49.8kg (it is surprising how much weight in food we eat throughout a day!)
How do i feel?? I woke up at 4.30am last night, no idea why! but was surprisingly not yet hungry. I actually had one of the longest sleep ins i have had in a while, the past week had caught up with me but what better time to do so than on a cleanse! Then as i said by lunch time the lethargy hit me, i was occupying myself by going through past uni work and cleaning my files out (even that felt good!) then mum and i actually fell asleep on the couch watching 'Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead' again... we seem pathetic i know :P I made an evening walk but almost gave in to some food at dinner and was saved by my sister with a broccoli, cauliflower, plum, orange, spinach and pear followed by a trip to McDonald's with my fresh juice to get her dinner! Needless to say it was funny when i was then the one to get up and turn on the TV after her post-dinner slump hit ;)
One thing i don't think i will be able to do though is miss a gym class, so tomorrow depending on how i feel i may eat a banana to take mum to a pump class and last the hour. I have lots of admiration for those larger people who have juiced for 60 days!!
Rockin Raw
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