Monday, December 17, 2012

A Journey of Health Research - Hard work really does pay off!

This post isn't about food or fitness, but about a journey i have had throughout the past 2 years of my medicine degree involving medical research. Myself and another colleague took the challenge and opportunity to add to a dearth of knowledge on Indigenous Women's health in terms of their experience of menopause. We looked at the similarities and differences to their experience and whether cultural differences shape the menopause experience for women around the world. The first part of the research was a literature review and after 2 years of work we are pleased and excited to announce it has been accepted for publication!!!

It is a small reminder that health is not just about the individual, but about all those around us no matter where we come from, what we believe in or how we live. I believe in equality in life and we must do all we can in our power to make sure we play our part to ensure the health of those around us as well as ourselves. After this literature review we talked to Aboriginal women in Western Australia to hear what they had to say about menopause and their experience, the report we also hope to publish in the not too distant future to add to and assist in the health of Indigenous women. It has been a wonderful, hard yet rewarding experience and to get to this point makes me realise that we can all play a part in helping others in their journey of life and health in more ways than one, and we can all make a difference whether great or small. As a medical student this is an amazing success and contribution to the medical world already!! Stay tuned for the sequel publication of our actual research and results, and stay tuned also for more news to come as i journey through my medicine career to make my difference in this world. There are no limits :) 

Rockin Raw

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