"Very few people know what real health is, because most are occupied with killing themselves slowly."
- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Ph.D., who won the Nobel Prize in physiology and medical science
"It is the inability to see the effects of chronic, low-level toxicities on human health that has been, and remains, our greatest failing as intelligent beings." - Dr. Boyd Haley
So what is Raw food??
In a nutshell it is whole food that has not been refined, chemically processed, denatured or heated above 118 F or 48 degrees Celsius so its nutritional content has been preserved. In this state we receive all the vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and enzyme which mother nature intended for us, when we cook our foods we lose around 70% of these essential nutrients!! The major Raw food groups are fruits, vegetables, sprouted seeds, nuts, grains, sea vegetables and natural fats.
Frozen fruit is considered raw although it does lose around 30% of its nutritional value, but vegetable which are blanched or boiled before being frozen are not raw.
Anything canned or pasteurised is not raw. Most canned food has been heated to around 250F (116C) and then sits on store shelves for months PLUS they are lined with BPA, an estrogenic chemical compaound which has been shown to disrupt the endocrine system, affecting fertility, the brain and development in children, can lead to cancer, diabetes and other diseases. Pasteurisation is a process that heats juices, milk and dairy products to at least 145F (63C) to kill harmful bacteria, but also destroys nutritional content of the food.
"Long before pathology is observed, there are losses in functional integrity of the organ systems with increasing sensitivity to the environment and a gradual reduction in vitality"
- Fritzof Popp
Why go Raw?
When you begin to incorporate raw foods into your daily diet, big changes start to happen in your body. The more Raw food you add the bigger the benefits. There are 3 main culprits which sap away our energy and compromise our health...
1. Dehydration
Our body is over seventy percent water and our food should mirror this! A great way to being properly hydrated is to consume food that has not had the natural water removed from it through cooking. Cooked food doesn't provide your body with its much-needed water and dehydrates you further in your bodies attempt to digest it into a liquid. Raw foods are much easier to digest than foods such as a big steak and as such leave you with more energy for other daily activities. The hydration can help with dry skin, sluggishness and false hunger that can occur when we don't consume enough water. Just think how easily is your current diet liquefied?
2. Malnutrition
Recent data shows that nutritional deficiencies are most often caused by what we eat rather than by what we do not eat. As such a person who is overweight or obese can have the most profound vitamin and mineral nutritional deficiencies contrary to majority of beliefs! A well balanced diet of raw plant foods contains the full compliment of essential vitamins and minerals, while food prepared using conventional methods destroys over 80% of that foods nutrition! The increase in nutrition helps to boost our immune system and many people claim to get sick less frequetly. Raw foods contain copious amounts of vitamin C, beta carotene and zinc, three very powerful immune boosters. Raw foods also contain a lot of fibre to help sweep out our digestive system of waste. This can reduce many health problems such as simple gas and bloating, IBS, yeast infections, poor nutrient absorption, skin conditions such as acne and even colon cancer. Your immune system is vitally connected to the health of your gut so it is so important to pay attention to it! Make sure you are 'moving things along' at least once a day. Our bodies become a fish out of water gaping at air in the hope it provides some form of nutritional relief.
3. Lack Of Enzymes
Enzymes are responsible for the thousands of metabolic process that takes place in your body to sustain life from digestion to healing. Most prepared food is served with up to 100% of the natural enzymes destroyed.... One hundred percent! When the lipase and amylase enzymes are destroyed, the body cannot digest fats or carbohydrates and they are stored in the body, causing you to gain weight, no wonder people struggle with the various fad diets to lose weight. When you consume living, enzyme rich food, it practically digests itself. This leaves you with a surplus of energy to play harder, work more efficiently and do more of what you love!
I don't know about you but this motivates me to increase my proportion of Raw food even more with this basic information. A small success for me today i must mention, my dad loves a treat of fish and chips (the battered and fried type!) and after not having it for a few months we had a family 'treat' for dinner. Being opposed to the idea i served up a plate of Raw chopped broccoli, cauliflower, carrot and beans, uncooked and still full of nutrients... and my family munched away at it with their fish, Raw! That's one small step for my family, one giant leap for my Raw food start :) Tomorrow we learn more about the different Raw food groups, i am hungry for more!
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