Geraldton Health Food Shop on Chapman Road |
I have fond memories of being younger and having the treat of McDonald's or Hungry Jacks happy mean after we had a family walk around Bunbury. These treats would only be around once a month, far less frequent than the consumption of fast food burgers by the average person today! And this was only around 10 years ago. I have grown up to discover the treat i once thought was brilliant and tasty was no where near as tasty as a home made burger with fresh ingredients and lovely crisp and fresh bread! Hence my last fast food burger must have been.... gosh at least 5 years ago! Anyway, this trip was to collect a burger, chips and coke for one of my best friends for lunch. I have to admit i felt a little self conscious that someone would have seen me in the health food shop and now in McDonald's, it is not a bad thing but when i feel so passionate about health and good nutrition i want to set a good example! However i soon discovered waiting in line that this trip was in fact PERFECT. Being passionate about health and nutrition how can i make a difference to those who consume foods lacking nutrition and health benefits without exposing myself to them in the first place?? That does not mean i have to eat them myself if i don't want to, i have been down that road, but seeing what people buy, how much they buy and how they react to buying it. Most routinely gobble up their meals forgetting what they ate after 10 minutes then only answer their nutrient deprived bodies call for more food after half an hour to consume similar meals or snacks which of course are also nutrient deprived... but calorie rich!
Needless to say i was still surprised at the amount of calories in even the most innocent burger. I ordered a McChicken burger value meal, $5.95 was not a bad price. And i couldn't help but read just what my friend would be consuming...
Please note % Daily Intake (%DI) relates to your total daily food intake. Percentage daily intakes are based on an average adult diet of 8700KJ but your daily intakes may be higher or lower depending on your energy needs. The following information can be found on the McDonald's website under nutrition.
I don't know about you but i made out the 'chicken' of unknown percentage and the 'lettuce' at least! The burger alone had 1710kJ which is 20% of the %DI, but we must also add the regular chips and coke.
To be safe we will say she had a small chips adding another 1070kJ... over half the amount of the burger alone in a side even with a small! Then the coke.
There's another 428kJ in the small once again.
Overall that is 1710kJ + 1070kJ + 428kJ = 3208kJ for lunch which equates to 20% + 12% + 5% = 37% of the %DI. This is around 1/3 which is on par with our typical 3 meals a day, but comparing the ratio of calories to nutrition, your body will be 'full' but not satisfied. Take a look at this and notice the amount of '0.00mg' of vitamins and minerals ingested sourced from ''...
100.00 mg
0.00 mg
0.00 mg
0.00 mg
0.00 mg
0.00 mg
0.00 mg
0.00 mg
0.00 mg
830.00 mg
Vitamin A
0.00 mg
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
0.00 mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
0.00 mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
0.00 mg
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
0.00 mg
Vitamin B6
0.00 mg
Vitamin B12
0.00 mg
Vitamin C
0.00 mg
Vitamin D
0.00 mg
Vitamin E
0.00 mg
Vitamin K
0.00 mg
0.00 mg
Folic Acid
0.00 mg
Alpha Carotene
0.00 mg
Beta Carotene
0.00 mg
0.00 mg
0.00 mg
Fatty Acids
Saturated Fats
3,000.00 mg
Monounsaturated Fats
0.00 mg
Polyunsaturated Fats
0.00 mg
35 mg
All i can say for people on McDonald's meals is :(
It gives 100.00mg of calcium (good for bones, muscle function, nerves and hormone secretions!) at least which is 10% of the recommended 1,000mg for adults. In comparison a 300ml glass of milk or 30g of cheese contains over 300.00mg of calcium each.
The recommended salt/sodium intake for an adult a day is less than a teaspoon or 2,300mg although 1,000mg or less is recommended therefore 830.00mg in the burger is quite high and not good for people with high blood pressure which equates to nearly 30% of the population.
But the most obvious downfall is the amount of saturated fats and cholesterol, both which accumulate in the blood and stick to the walls of blood vessels to form plaques which can eventually grow over time to obstruct blood flow to limbs, organs and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks and strokes. This value meal accounts for nearly 50% of the recommended daily intake.
Oh dear friends i hope i can help make a positive difference in your life no matter how long it takes.
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