Friday, November 30, 2012

Strong is the new skinny!!!

Every time i hear a young, curved and healthy vibrant person say they wish they were skinny, a little part of me dies inside. And that happened today at work. I work in a pharmacy and some girls picked up some fat loss tablets prescribed by the doctor as a 'last resort' type of medication for obese patients. Some girls picked it and wished they could take it to lose weight and be skinny.... and there it was, that dreaded saying 'I want to be skinny!' What is skinny? Have you ever thought what it means?

Skinny = lacking in flesh, thin, consistency of/or resembling skin, scraggy, scrawny  meager, unattractively thin. Skinny is NOT lean!! How did skinny become to be a figure of the ideal??

In the age of social networking, we seem to see more images intended to make us feel poorly about ourselves. Not only do we see advertisers tell us every imperfection we have, it seems we cannot even escape images that trigger negative feelings when interacting with friends online. According to some new research, social networking sites are becoming more frequently cited for body image issues that women in particular experience. Snapshots people post online become a sea of images of all the things people think are wrong with them and all of the ways they'll never measure up to their friends.

However, perhaps by connecting with friends on the Internet, women can be mutually inspired and empowered. Social networking also home to women who are determined to change their lives by eating well and exercising, undergoing challenges and marathons. Friends can encourage each other in marathon conditioning. A woman beginning cancer treatments can see the support her friends are offering her; when she needs to make her body stronger following a successful cancer treatment can see much of the same support.

Yet negativity to ones body is still all too common. It pains me to see and hear healthy young people (or older people!) believe they need to lose weight to see their bones, to lose their curves that nature, god and the universe gave them, that truly make them who they are.

Skinny is not the picture of health. Having a balanced weight is healthy, we NEED good fats to build our cells, nervous system and organs. But most importantly we need to change this image we have created in our minds of the 'ideal' skinny being. Become part of the realization that


And spread the word, become part of the strong and help others believe that a picture of health is strength, curves and muscle. It is the confidence that comes with looking after your body and loving your curves, being a true definition of lean, full of energy and full of life!

But remember:

Being proactive about one’s health and fitness should also include efforts to improve one’s mental health and self-image. People assume that as they start to achieve the body they want, their self-esteem will automatically change for the better as well, but this is not always true. People can feel as though their results are meaningless if they do not achieve perfection. This kind of thinking will not only continue a damaging cycle of low self-esteem, it can also lead to a loss of motivation and loss of interest in maintaining one’s fitness regimen.

It is important to remember that the support of friends is often the deciding factor in success in fitness plans. Instead of withdrawing from friends, even on social networking sites, because of negativity and damaging effects on self-confidence, people can use the opportunity to connect with their friends and motivate each other. This is a much more positive use of social networking that can be good for everyone involved. It is difficult to get out of the habit of disparaging your imperfections but, like other unhealthy habits, it can be broken.

Hence why i have started this blog, to learn from you so we can learn from each other and to tell you what i am learning. I want to help motivate you to become STRONG and FULL OF LIFE! I want to help motivate you to become HEALTHY, FIT and FULL OF NUTRITION. And i want your help to keep me going too, on both the good days and bad. We all have our goals, dreams and desires and we can work towards them everyday so long as we know that they are in favour of our health and GOOD FOR US. I don't want more parts of me to die, i want myself and all those around me to truly LIVE and LOVE their bodies. There is no time like the present, and it starts NOW! 

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