Sunday, March 10, 2013

My Simple Meal Delights - Easy and Clean Salads

I realised I post a lot of baking, smoothies and breakfast and not much about lunches or dinner, so over the past week I took a few snippets of simple meals easily made throughout the week which I love to make AND eat!

This first one is of course with my home grown alfalfa sprouts with salmon, avocado, tomato, sweet corn and mushrooms with turmeric and cumin... definitely a favourite lunch of mine!!

Alfalfa Salmon Salad
The 'Egg-cellence' of eggs can never be over exaggerated, both yolk and the white! I LOVE poached eggs and am introducing a healthy post workout breakfast/brunch with poached egg, mushroom, tomato, spinach leaves and avocado on toast (with some cracked pepper) but I can't wait to make my own bread from few recipes I have found (stay tuned!)

Poaches eggs and veges

After my alfalfa sprouts had finished I sprouted some buckwheat, these only take 2 days and have only a small white tail on their ends. I used the sprouted buckwheat like rice with dishes such as this slow cooked apricot chicken dish I made with onion, zucchini, apricots and mushrooms complete with vege's on the side!

Apricot chicken, buckwheat and veges

I also added buckwheat to lunch salads, this one had egg, spinach leaves, sprouted buckwheat, tomato, avocado, corn and mushrooms...

Egg and Buckwheat salad

A really simple one with spinach leaves, tomato, capsicum, avocado and tuna! Who said simple cannot also be so tasty??

Tuna Salad

Another Salmon salad with spinach leaves, sundried tomato's (yum!), avocado, cous cous and grated fresh turmeric on top... watch out this makes your fingers go yellow!

Salmon cous cous salad

Last but certainly not least, I have a confession to make... I am addicted to making 'Scromelette's!' What is a scromelette?? It's basically things you would put in an omelette (and more) made into a scramble with eggs... mine usually feature tomato, spinach leaves, mushroom, zucchini and many spices such as turmeric, cumin coriander, oregano and a mix of them all! Then sided with some broccoli and sweet potato :)

Who said healthy can't be both quick, fresh, clean and tasty! You can see a little trend with foods i love... salmon, eggs, avocado, sprouts, buckwheat, mushrooms, tomato, spinach leaves, sweet corn (raw), broccoli... and behind every meal I am usually munching on a carrot with a new fetish of carrot with peanut butter! Strange but strangely good ;)

Rockin Raw

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