Monday, February 25, 2013

Lessions from Labour

There is so much you can learn about life, and when witnessing labour and birth you can appreciate the little miracles life can bring. One thing labour teaches me is although we have the ultimate destination of delivering a healthy child, no matter how hard and painful the journey is, it is the journey that counts and determines how the outcome will be, and the journey is what we must follow the most.

One lady I followed in her labour journey started at 10pm and finished at 8am the next morning. I had the medical student hope to help successfully deliver a healthy baby. As the night progressed I felt a little foolish thinking the lady was having her third child so I shouldn't be here too long after an already busy day. While most students just come for the birth and leave, I found myself being actively involved in supporting the lady, I had my had squeezed until it would break, I massaged her cramps in her legs, comforted her in the epidural and contractions, and I thought how silly I was to only want to see the birth, it is the journey that gives you the most experience and helps you appreciate the end result!

And you know what happened? After spending 9 hours by her side, I ducked out to get a bite to eat, she delivered, and I missed it. At first I was heart broken, but once I congratulated her and helped deliver the placenta, that is when I realised how important the journey is for all of us. It is what makes the little miracles in life complete. And in my case, missed opportunities can come again and maybe the opportunity wasn't the destination but the journey itself.

Two nights later I followed another lady throughout her labour for 17 hours from 7am to midnight... I was there for the whole journey and after learning the unpredictability of labour before I didn't leave her side. Then the bonus opportunity came when almost myself with the doctor guiding me I delivered a healthy baby boy! The journey is worth it no matter how long it takes or how hard it may be, and while the lady wanted to give up part way through I admired her strength to mentally tell herself to keep going and the reward was a beautiful start of their new family.

Live your journey :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Carrot and Raspberry Muffins

Uni means tutorials, and tutorials mean sustenance is needed to keep us going, in other words, tutorials mean baking!! I probably find too many reasons to bake, but having a snack with your peer and tutors make any tutorial better instantly :)

These one I actually used the left over carrot and celery pulp from my juice! The juicer I have is not perfect and leave quite a bit of juice and nutrition left in the pulp, but also increase the fibre ratio of the pulp using more carrots than you would otherwise. If you don't have pulp you can use grated carrot but I don't like to waste food so was very happy to use juice pulp :) Again these have no added sugar, you can make them less sweet but substituting the honey for a grated apple but I treated myself and used honey this time!

Carrot and Raspberry Muffins

1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup oil
2 eggs lightly beaten
1 tsp vanilla

1 1/2 cups wholemeal self raising flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon

1 cup grated carrot (or left over carrot juice pulp!)
1 cup raspberries (you could use any berries, apple or pineapple)
1/4 cup chopped almonds (or any nuts you like)

Pre heat oven to 180 C and fill patty pan tray.
Mix honey, oil, vanilla and egg in a bowl. Add the dry ingredients and mix until just combined.

Stir in the carrot, berries and almonds.

Fill patty pans 2/3 full and place in oven for 20 minutes until lightly brown on top!

Enjoy carrot raspberry muffins :)
Rockin Raw

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Week 4 and Going Strong!

A little update is needed in between the busy phenomena known as life! I am still amazed at the amount I am learning, doing and seeing while studying medicine outside of the city. I have been 'co-anaesthetist' for a day and did my first patient intubation, am increasing my success rate at putting in cannula's, following births and neonatal check, antenatal check and examinations, orthopaedic surgeries, talking to patients with conditions such as pulmonary haemosiderosis, mesothelioma, breast cancer, CREST syndrome, Parkinson's disease, patients who have had surgeries ranging from a new hip to a titanium plate inserted into their chest and I had my eyes opened to the realm of bariatric surgery in a half day clinic... one thing for sure is medicine never fails to intrigue me and each day brings new challenges and new desires to learn more.
Are my triceps growing??

Thankfully no matter how exhausting the days become I have still been able to keep up my strength training and am proud to be on week 4!! The first week was lots of adjusting of weights to see what I can do and what makes me sore but now it is starting to feel like a proper workout getting into a good routine :) well the 'routine' part doesn't come easy in terms of time... each day is so different at the hospital, from 7am starts to night time finishes (particularly in maternity) there is no telling when you get time off so I go to the gym when I can... morning, mid day of afternoon, but either way it doesn't change my love for the workouts :) I just wish I could do more cardio and run or join boot camps and fit boxing sessions but only 6 more weeks until I trial running again, it is not too far away!

So all I can say is while it is still early days, while my weights look a little measly compared to others I don't care at all, its how I feel and I feel stronger with each session and love how the day after my muscles tighten to tell me so. I can't wait to see what the next few weeks bring!

I still love my raw 'Garden of life' protein powder and while I don't make my own almond milk, I have started having rice and chick pea milk which is actually quite tasty! Why you ask? you can get rice milk on its own but the chick pea adds a little extra protein so it is comparable to cows milk, however I am trying to reduce my consumption of genetically modified products which includes reducing the amount of hormones in dairy, the hormones given to cows to increase their milk supply... yes we end up drinking them too! Thankfully BST or bovine somatotropin, a hormone used to increase milk production in some countries, is prohibited from use in Australia. This little pamphlet can give a little info about the safety of Australian diary, or some more food for thought here, but for now I like using Rice and chick pea or almond milk while I investigate milk more, there is no harm in trying something new for a change too!

And I will leave you with something found in the emergency department of the hospital... I better make sure I keep in line ;)

Rockin Raw

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dehydrated Choc-banana protein chews – Raw!

Too often in the past 3 weeks have I found myself facing off a packet biscuit to fulfil a craving… this is a sign that a) I am not giving myself adequate long lasting nutrition, b) I need to build my mental capacity up to look away or c) I need to have better alternatives available to snack on!!

Deciding it is a combination of all three of the above I knew it was time to get the dehydrator going again, incorporate simple healthy changes into my new lifestyle and get back on track with my cravings! And in a quick 15min experimentation, into the dehydrator went some delicious Choc-banana protein chews!! Filled with a few favourites of mine (if you haven’t guessed by previous recipes :P) of raw protein powder, mashed banana, cacao powder, coconut and sunflower seeds!

 I have to admit they looked a little like baby poo’s when I first got them onto the dehydrator sheets but maybe I have been spending too much time around newborns lately :P So I sprinkled some coconut on top but regardless I am so excited by my new snack!

Dehydrated Choc-Banana protein chews – Raw!

3 mashed banana’s
1 scoop ‘Garden of Life’ raw protein powder
1 tablespoon shredded coconut
3 teaspoons cacao powder
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 tablespoon sunflower seeds

Mash the banana in a bowl, add the rest of the ingredient and mix until combined.

Line dehydrator trays with baking paper or paraflex dehydrator sheets and form mixture into thin bars of your desired length. I made 14 chews about 2cm wide and 7cm long and 0.5cm high. Place in dehydrator over night or for around 14 hours depending on how chewy you like them, the longer you leave them the crisper they get!

I can’t wait to experiment with some more flavours – these are so simple to make! If you don't have a dehydrator you can easily put these in the oven on 180 degree for half an hour to an hour, they will not be raw but still a perfect snack :)

I am storing these in the fridge :)

Rockin Raw

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Top the Week with Raw White Christmas Macaroons

Wow what a week it has been! So many milestones for me have happened all in my first week of 5th year med in Busselton. It has been an amazing experience already and it is only just getting started! I spent the week on the maternity ward and helped deliver my first babies and scrubbed in on a caesarean section! Carried out neonatal checks on newborns, examined beautiful baby bellies, home visits checking on bubs, I was such an eager beaver for the great experiences I spent most of my Saturday in the hospital and did my first cannulation and bloods for the year which were a great success! Thank goodness after a hard time last year, maybe a break was needed to boost my confidence again :) The doctors have been outstanding and after being apprehensive about approaching doctors in Perth for learning and experience I find myself being swept up by doctors and nurses so enthusiastic to teach us before I can literally say hi! The best part is all this was happening and I was still able to get through my second week of my weights program! I had to readjust with 7am starts and do workouts in the evening which was a bit of a mind challenge after hard days but getting there was the hardest part and once I was there it was all systems fired to go!

I'm not sure if its possible to start seeing results after 2 weeks but I can start to feel them already... after the soreness the next few days wears off!

Are my biceps growing?? I try with good food! :)
I have to admit by Friday night I was exhausted and a little overwhelmed by the year ahead but taking it day by day is the best way to go and the experiences each day brings make the tough times definitely worth it.

One thing I need to incorporate into my days again is my raw food, I haven't been able to experiment with as many raw recipes as I would like the past few weeks BUT I am still settling in and have a few ideas for the week ahead :) What I would like to share with you is a recipe my cousin made who is doing some amazing experimenting with raw food! The recipe below is open to interpretation and what fruits and flavours you like but this one (with estimated amounts of ingredients used) was a winner!

Raw White Christmas Macaroons

1 cup dried apricots and mixed fruits
1/3 cup mixed Sunflower seeds and pepitas
1/4 cup Coconut butter
1/2 cup macadamia, brazil nuts and almonds
2 cups Shredded coconut
3 pitted and soaked dates + water
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup Agave (or honey)


1. Soak the dates in water for about 30 minutes in order for them to soften up.

2. Pit the dates, mash them and add enough water to form a paste. You can use a fork and some elbow grease but it is easier in a food processor.

3. In a food processor combine the coconut, coconut butter, nuts, date paste, dried apricots and fruits, vanilla, cinnamon and agave until combined. You may like to add a little extra water is the mixture is too dry.

4. Roll the combined ingredients into truffle sized balls, and they are ready to eat!

5. Optional you can dehydrate at 105 degrees for 8-12 hours or overnight and wake up to a lovely smell of coconut... yum :)

In the words of my cousin... these are 'Rawesome' ;) Thanks for the recipe!

Rockin Raw

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Feel Strong, Be Strong

My first session at my new gym was a little of a reinstatement of why I love exercise so much. First the group session/classes room had limit mirrors, second on my way out I took a few moments to full with happiness as I watch a blind man, early 20's do his own weights workout with a guide and I thought take away your mirrors and sight and this is exactly what exercise should be like... its not how you look but its how you feel!
Many women may frown upon weights or become scared they will turn into 'a man' with muscles, but the truth is we don't have the raging amounts of testosterone the guys have and while we can develop stronger and bigger muscles to tone our body we wont turn into the hulk!! but over the many decades we have been subconsciously or consciously taught that as girls need to be petite and lean and basically fragile so be beautiful, sexy and feminine, but tell me are these girls not sexy and feminine??
NOT only that but look at these girls and they are strong, confident, happy, beautiful and sexy! They are girls who know where they want to go in life and know who they are. And I look at girls running for hours on the treadmill, cross-trainer or bike then move to the scales to see if they have lost another 100g from the previous days workout when they are already so lean and skinny! Only to then either move away with a little satisfaction or say to themselves 'well I wont be having that muffin for a month at least!' that is not what exercise is about. The scales don't have to go down for you to feel great unless you are overweight! Instead lets try make the scales go up in the best way possible - lose that extra fat but build that extra muscle and you will feel your energy and strength increase as well as your confidence and love for your body no matter what shape and size you are!
I have been in the scales trap, I see so many around me both females and males in the scales trap... it is unfortunately rare these days to find someone who isn't. Calorie counting is also a large part of gaining muscle but having the correct proportion of macronutrients - carbs, protein and good fats, in your daily calorie intake. Initially it is good to have a rough idea of your calorie needs and look at the amounts on your diet and understand where they come from, but after you increase your knowledge and awareness I encourage you to STOP there. Calorie counting can be your friend or your enemy, especially in girls it can lead you to only count the carbohydrates and protein and try to totally eliminate fats both good and bad from your diet when in reality we need good fats to build our muscle and every ell in our body or else we will dwindle away. Calorie counting can also lead to obsession about foods to the point it is unhealthy and we stick to 'safe' foods which we know work and deprive ourselves of a variety of nutrients so while we think we may be getting healthier by eating the same healthy meals 24/7 we are in fact depriving our bodies of its essential variety of nutrients needed to keep us going, as a result we may become ill more often, feel fatigued and have an upset stomach if we do change our meals on rare occasions. Some people are stronger than others and if calorie counting works for you and you do not become obsessive with meals, skip vital food groups, spit food out or avoid a variety of meals then by all meals keep up with your counting if it helps!
Where am I going with this? After seeing the blind man workout and the happiness it brought both him doing the session and I watching him I decided to focus on a true purpose of exercise - how it feels!
So I have made the decision that while I will initially look at the proportion of macronutrients I consume daily with my diet to assist in building a stronger feminine body (curves in all the right places ;)) I am avoiding making calorie counting a big part of my exercise and diet program AND I am avoiding the scales!!
Instead I am going by how I feel! If I feel fit and toned and sexy then I know I am getting fit and toned and sexy and will not degrade how I feel with measurements and calculations. I vow to love my body no matter what shape and size I am but also vow to work hard on my fitness, well-being and general health.
So I am focusing on the basic facts to eating well while...
A strength training meal plan must include protein, carbs and fats, eating 5-6 times PER DAY is recommended...
  • You need to eat every 2-3 hours in order for your blood sugar levels to stay even.
  • You must eat within an hour after waking up in the morning. This jump starts your metabolism for the day.
  • You need to eat at least 5-6 times per day. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack, bedtime.
  • Each meal should include one protein and one carb. The protein should be lean and the carb should be complex.
  • You need to eat the proper amount of calories per day for your goal. If you barely eat or if you get around 1200 calories or less per day, then you are most likely sabotaging your fat loss.
Your strength training meal plan should be built upon those basic nutrition facts. I do not recommend spending all day counting calories, but do take few days logging everything down initially to give you a basic idea of your intake and ways to improve.
Once you know how many calories you bring in per day, compare that against how many you SHOULD be bringing in. Use this calculator to determine how many calories you need per day to MAINTAIN your current weight.
If your goal is fat loss, then subtract 350-500 calories from that number. Most people will select sedentary or lightly active as their Activity Level. If you have a construction job or are an athlete then you can select a higher level. In the end, your strength training meal plan must include the proper amount of calories for your goal. Eating more will cause weight gain. Eating less could destroy your metabolism and cause gluconeogenesis to occur (eating your muscles for fuel). Each meal should be one protein and one carb, a few examples of these include
  • Chicken on Top of Green Salad
  • Egg Whites and Oatmeal
  • Cottage Cheese with Berries
  • Tempeh with Brown Rice
  • Salmon with Steamed Cauliflower
  • Salmon and veges
  • Honey Glazed Turkey with a Sweet Potato
For the most part your strength training meal plan can include lots of veggies. Limit the fruit to 1-2 servings per day and try to eat them in the beginning of the day. If you eat meat, keep the protein sources lean (chicken, salmon, turkey, etc) and not fatty (sausage, pork, bacon, etc). If you are a vegetarian you should eat leafy green veggies, beans, tofu, tempeh, soy, cottage cheese, etc for as your protein source.
Before your workout eat a protein/carb meal. Some people can eat 30 minutes before working out and others need to eat 1 1/2 hours before working out. Find what works for you. But definitely eat before working out. After your workout, be sure to re-fuel the body with another protein/carb meal within 30-60 minutes after you finish such as the favourable protein drinks. Remember though that nothing replaces good, fresh, whole foods.... Nothing. If you use a protein powder or bar be sure it has low carbs and low sugar. Some bars claim to be healthy, but are nothing more than sugar sticks with protein mixed inside.
All in all remember to love yourself and your body no matter who you are, no one is perfect and we are all so unique that is what makes us beautiful! Do what works for you with your fitness and lifestyle but do not get bogged down in believing you need to eat certain amounts of calories or be a certain weight. Be brave, be strong, be yourself and above all enjoy how you feel :)

Rockin Raw

Friday, February 1, 2013

Banana Protein Ice-cream - Raw!

I have head about raw banana ice cream and thought today is the day I make my own! With my raw protein powder I turned a simple healthy desert into post workout nutrition but this could easily be eaten for breakfast or desert... actually it is so good I would recommend any time of the day! I literally licked my bowl clean :) Don't worry if you don't have raw protein powder it still tastes great with any brand...

Banana Protein Ice-cream - Raw

1 large frozen banana (or use unfrozen and add a few ice blocks)
1/2 scoop 'Garden of Life Raw protein powder' or what ever brand you have

You could actually just blend the banana +/- the protein powder for banana ice cream! But experiment yourself and add some extra flavour, I added...

1 tablespoon shredded coconut
1 date pitted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
And blended them altogether for around 40 seconds until smooth and creamy then topped with frozen raspberries :) You could put it in the freezer instead of eating it right away and save it for later.

Other additions you could try are honey, cinnamon, cacao powder, maybe even try a green banana ice-cream with some spirulina and spinach or kale? Sounds good to me!!

Rockin Raw

It Has Begun!! Body Building Here I Come :) - Chest and Triceps

It has come to the end of my first week in my new home in Busselton and I am in love with the year already... for practising medicine, extremely friendly and enthusiastic locals, feeling like a family with the local doctors already and having their amazing teaching and enthusiasm to teach us! Local beaches, cafe's and sites, it is an incredible atmosphere that really helps me know that my heart is in the country, both for study and life in general you can't beat it. You don't see the relationship all the doctors have with each other here in Perth, nor do you see doctors who you can really relate to and see surfing at the local beaches or riding an electric skateboard with the neighbour. And you can tell that no matter how demanding the medicine can get in the country, it is so very worth it :)

Apart from a wonderful introduction to my medical year of study here, I am excited to tell you that I have finally completed my first 'official' week of my weights program!! Celebrated with a few raw protein green smoothies ;)

I had an introduction to the local gym, got the best advice on form and technique I have ever been given and am ready to build and tone my body!! In all honesty I am a little sore at the moment but I love it :) While I have been getting up to go to the gym at 6am I like the flexibility the program gives me also, I no longer have to rely on making it to pump classes but can workout when I can, for example when starting at 7am on the wards I can go in the evening, or when on call I can go when I can!

So to give you a few ideas for weight workouts you would like to try or do I am going to post up each days workout. There are so many exercises you can do to work the same or similar muscles but these are the ones I am following for the next 6-8 weeks. At the moment I like doing these throughout the week and on the weekends doing some more cardio such as swimming or bike riding (RPM classes!!) but as I say it is flexible to how the week progresses so long as I do all 4 sessions in one week :)

Today I will give you my first session - Chest and Triceps
  • Flat Bench Press (large bar) - 3x15
  • Incline Dumbbell Press - 3x15

  • Fly's - 3x15

  • Push ups - 3x25 (on toes if can)
  •  Push downs (machine) - 3x15 
  •  Extensions - 3x15

  • Bench Dips - 3x15

I have 30-60 seconds between each set of 15 and move to the next exercise right away.

If you want to know more about these exercises or different ones or body building and toning your body in general have a look at this site!! :)

And remember... the gym is only half the work!! What you eat and your meal preparation and balance is the ultimate decider on what body you can build :)

Rockin Raw