Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tough Mudder Perth and Banana-Mudder Paleo Muffins!

In August myself, my sister and 2 of her friends decided to challenge ourselves with a new event... the Western Mud Rush! It is a yearly 8km event which saw us running through the WA equestrian stadium challenging our fitness and mental strength by crawling through mud, barbed wire, under trench tunnels and hay bales, climbing over Berlin walls, down a mud slide, carrying sand bags, jumping into an ice bath and so much more. It is a great mental and physical challenge while also incorporating some of the best sportsmanship you will see at an event. While there is a race in the first wave, for the other couple of thousand people the day is all about getting through the obstacles with your mates and helping other do the same no matter what. It was so much fun and as I obliterated fears of claustrophobia I had never gotten so muddy and been so exhilarated!!

This day was also the first I had heard of an even bigger mud event - Tough Mudder.

"Tough Mudder events are 20km hardcore obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit and camaraderie. With the most innovative courses, over one million inspiring participants worldwide to date, and more than $5 million raised for the Wounded Warrior Project, Tough Mudder is the premier adventure challenge series in the world."

And yet 2 months later I found myself at the start of the line for TM in Perth with my adrenaline pumping... these events are addictive!! So what did we do? Have a look here at the possible obstacles you can do. Our course was over a beautiful farm land where we ran through bush, small rivers, hills with great views, wheat fields and dirt tracks. Our obstacles ranged from crawling under barbed wire in mud, climbing Berlin walls, diving under mud barrels, carrying logs, climbing spider rope webs, trenching through thick mud, 'walking the plank' into muddy water, monkey bars, balancing beams, swimming on your back in mud water under a 20cm breathing space called 'cage crawl' (my most mentally challenging one which turned out to be easier than I thought!) trekking through ice water and going under (I almost didn't make it out from brain freeze!!), the infamous electric shock therapy and electric eel run and one of my favorites running up a half pipe leaping to grab the edge and be pulled over by your team mates in one of the last challenges known as 'Everest'.

A snapshot taken of me running through the 'Electric Shock Therapy'... still smiling!!
It took us a good 3 and a half hours running and walking and the feeling of crossing that line and getting awarded your orange tough mudder headband was such a great feeling of accomplishment, you have just finished what is regarded as one of the toughest events on the planet!

I wore my headband in Bunbury the next day, and the nods and smiles of approval I got from 2 fellow tough mudders wearing their bands and shirt was the nod of 'yep, I know what you went through too and it was awesome!' You suddenly have a special extended tough mudder family :)

And what I think helped get us through? Well I made some special Banana-Mudder Paleo Muffins which were sure a hit pre and post TM!! I love these they are so flavorsome and moist they have become my favorite muffin recipe which I am only too happy to share :)

Banana-Mudder Muffins (they will forever be called this haha)

3 large ripe banana's
4 eggs 
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup almond meal
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 cup cacao powder (not cocoa!)
1/4 cup coconut oil melted

Mix the chopped bananas, vanilla and eggs in a mixing bowl with an electric mixer until smooth. Add the flour, almond meal, cinnamon, cacao and baking soda and mix again until combined. Lastly mix in the melted coconut oil until combined.

Scoop equally into patty pan trays (12), add a slice of banana on top (optional) and cook in a moderate oven for 30-35min.

you could also make these as Choc-Blueberry muffins by adding a cup of frozen blueberries or add an extra crunch with chopped almonds or walnuts :)

On a final note, never let your mind get in the way of what you can achieve. The mind is the most powerful tool to the body and the only real freedom we have is freedom from fear... you can achieve anything you want to, you just have to believe it :)


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