Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013, Time to Bloom... What will your word be?

For the past few years now my mum and I have joined the many people who find themselves a motivational word for the year. At the end of each year we evaluate what we have done, what we wanted to do, how we ourselves can change to benefit both ourselves and those around us, our environment and how we can apply these changes into the new year. To simplify our goals and how we see ourselves we choose one word which acts to signify and remind us of our goals and who we aim to be over the coming year and also to inspire us to keep going no matter what we are faced with. After much thought I have found my word... Bloom :)

Bloom is the flower of a plant, a condition or time of vigor, freshness and beauty, to shine and glow, to grow or flourish with youth and vigor or to appear or expand suddenly - the prime of life.

In 2013 i will be 23, i have been through many experiences and trials already and i am ready to take on more to become who i was born to be, and in 2013, i am not letting anything stop me from moving forward, no fear, no lack of self confidence, no hint of impossibility, i will move further than i have ever before and quite simply i am ready to bloom! In my medical studies, in my knowledge, in my confidence in myself and what i do, in my fitness and health, very much so in my nutrition and body, in my relationships and of course within me. There is no time like the present, throughout the past we learn from our trials, happiness, success and of course mistakes and use these to create new experiences and to move forward and better the next time. While i have many goals of my own, i encourage you to also have a look at your life and take the time to reflect on the aspects of your own life which you wish to work upon, but don't simply reflect but DO.

Remember the only failure is not to try, you do not know if you don't try and the only impossible is that which we place in our mind. We are the creators of our own past, present and future by making the most out of what we are given and all that we can be....

life, advice, inspirational, beautiful, mulan

And i have a visual reminder of my goals!In primary school my sisters and i would collect the beanie bears, we have over 200 i swear! And we have one called Bloom, so Bloom will sit by me at all times and help guide me through 2013, my little guardian helping me to bloom :)

My little guardian Bloom :) 
I am still a bud feeding my body and soul in more ways than one but slow and steady i am opening up, i am blooming to bring forth a new prime in my life. And what better way to help fuel my life as i bloom than the wonderful nutrition of a high raw food diet?? 2013... Bring It On :)

What will your word be for 2013?

“The thought manifests as the word;
The word manifests as the deed;
The deed develops into habit;
And habit hardens into character.
So watch the thought and its way with care,
And let it spring from love
Born out of concern for all beings”. 
- The Buddha

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