Friday, November 16, 2012

The 'Egg-cellence' of Eggs!

9 Reasons You Should Eat Eggs for Breakfast

Eggs are a nutritional powerhouse providing 11 different vitamins and minerals, high quality protein, healthy fats (including omega-3) and important antioxidants. Along with their nutritional value, eggs are tasty, convenient, versatile and good value for money making them an excellent inclusion in a well balanced, healthy eating pattern.

Two average eggs provide two thirds of the day's requirements for selenium, around one third of the day's requirements for vitamin B12, iodine, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), riboflavin, vitamin A and vitamin E and 20-25% of the day's requirements for protein, folate, iron and phosphorus. Eggs also provide zinc, are one of the only food sources of vitamin D and are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly the long chain DHA and DPA. Many of these nutrients are commonly low in the diets of older Australians. Eggs, therefore, are highly valuable and nutritious inclusion to the diet.

1. Eggs keep you feeling full much longer than cereal or toast.
The protein and fat in eggs helps sustain your energy levels, keeping you satisfied for longer and reducing the need for a mid morning snack.

2. Eggs assist weight loss.
This is a follow on benefit from keeping you satiated. Studies have shown that people who eat eggs for breakfast are more likely to lose weight than their counterparts.

3. Eggs are a great source of protein.
Whole eggs are one of the most complete and highest sources of protein, meaning eggs contain all the essential amino acids which we must get from our diets.  

4. Eggs tend to be relatively inexpensive.
Compared to other high protein foods such as red meat, even free range eggs are more budget friendly.

5. Eggs aren’t going to make your cholesterol worse.
While it’s true that eggs do contain a significant amount of cholesterol, the old formula of the cholesterol you eat impacting on your blood cholesterol levels, has been disproven. So there’s no need to worry about eating eggs increasing your risk for heart disease.

6. Eggs help with brain development and memory.
Choline, an essential nutrient found in eggs, stimulates brain development and function. It has also been linked with increasing memory retention and recall as well as improving alertness.

7. Eggs protect your eyesight.
Two antioxidants, leutin and zeaxanthin, are present in eggs and have been linked to protecting eyes from damage related to UV exposure. They have also been associated with reducing the likelihood of developing cataracts in old age.

8. Research supports the inclusion of around 6 eggs a week as part of a healthy diet.

9. It is suggested that eating eggs may help treat acne, as they lower the glycaemic load of the diet
Think you don’t have time for a cooked breakfast? Here are three great ways to prepare eggs in a few simple minutes:

1. Boil eggs in advance
Boil up a big batch of eggs on the weekend and keep them at the ready for a quick breakfast on the go. or pack for lunch with wholegrain bread and salad.
Mash boiled egg with canned salmon and ricotta cheese for a high calcium sandwich filling or as a topping for wholegrain crackers.

2. 60 second eggs
Just crack an egg into a microwave safe cup and zap on high for one minute. Stir, season and breakfast is ready.

3. Fried eggs
Heat a pan over a high heat for a minute or so, add a little oil, crack the eggs and add to the pan. Cook for about 2 minutes or until the whites are just set. Serve with spinach and lots of black pepper.

4. Scramble eggs with grated or finely chopped vegetables and serve with ham, tomato and mushrooms for a great Sunday morning ‘pick-me-up.'

5. Mix beaten eggs with grated reduced fat cheese, cracked pepper and parsley and stir through cooked wholemeal pasta for a quick and easy dinner or lunch. Serve with a green side salad.

How to Cook a Soft Boiled Egg


2 eggs (room temperature)
Salt and pepper

Gently place eggs into a small saucepan of lukewarm water.
Heat on a high heat until water starts to boil, reduce heat to medium low.
Start timing once water has boiled. Allow eggs to simmer for 3 minutes.
Remove from water and place in an egg cup and slice off top.
Serve with strips of toast and salt and pepper.

If egg is refrigerated place in cold water (not lukewarm water) and increase cooking time to 5 minutes.
Boiled eggs can keep in the refrigerator unpeeled for a few days. Don’t forget to mark the egg as boiled.

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